We’re looking for stories about the weirdest things you or someone you know has gotten into and how it turned your life upside down, brought unexpected joy or changed the path of their career forever.
Hi there, I have a really great pitch idea, but I only saw your call after the deadline. Are you still open to taking pitches? It seems that the Submittable form has expired, but I'd love to share you my pitch, should there be interest. Thank you.
Hi there, I have a really great pitch idea, but I only saw your call after the deadline. Are you still open to taking pitches? It seems that the Submittable form has expired, but I'd love to share you my pitch, should there be interest. Thank you.
Oh hey! Happy to see you’re on Substack. (I’ve only been on for 3 weeks, still finding magazines & presses I follow in other formats) ❤️
can a person submit multiple pitches?
Hi! This call for pitches ended yesterday, but you're welcome to send us any other ideas for another category on our submittable anytime. Thanks!